Market Business Insights Yeast Ingredients Market
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Market Outline

The global yeast ingredients market is projected to experience substantial growth in the coming years. According to market research, the market size is estimated to reach USD 2.53 billion USD Million in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 4.51 billion USD Million by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.47%.

The market is segmented into various categories, with yeast extracts being the largest segment, accounting for 40% of the market share. Within yeast extracts, subsegments such as autolysates and hydrolysates play a significant role. Yeast cells hold a 30% market share, while yeast minerals account for 20% of the market. The remaining 10% is attributed to other yeast ingredients.

The key players in the global yeast ingredients market include Angel Yeast Co., Ltd., Lesaffre Group, Koninklijke DSM NV, AB Mauri, and Lallemand Inc. These companies dominate the market and continuously strive to innovate and enhance their product offerings.

North America is currently the largest region in terms of market share, driven by the increasing demand for bakery and beverage products. However, the Asia Pacific region is expected to witness the fastest growth due to the rising disposable incomes in developing countries.

Several factors are driving the growth of the yeast ingredients market. These include the increasing demand for bakery and beverage products, the growing popularity of functional foods and dietary supplements, and rising disposable incomes in developing countries. These factors create a favorable environment for market expansion.

However, there are certain restraints and challenges faced by the market. Availability of substitutes and stringent government regulations are some of the factors that hinder market growth.

Despite these challenges, there are ample opportunities in the market. The development of new and innovative yeast ingredients, expansion into new markets, and the growing demand for personalized nutrition present avenues for market growth.

Report Snapshot

Base Year 2021
Forecast Year 2022 - 2030
Revenue 2022 USD 2.53 Billion
Revenue 2030 USD 4.51 Billion
CAGR 7.47%
Fastest Growing Region North America
Largest Region Asia Pacific

In conclusion, the global yeast ingredients market is poised for significant growth in the forecast period. With increasing demand, key players' focus on innovation, and opportunities to expand into new markets, the market is set to witness substantial development.

Market Key Points

- The global revenue for yeast ingredients is projected to reach USD 2.53 billion in 2022 and USD 4.51 billion in 2030, with a CAGR of 7.47%.

- The yeast extracts segment holds the largest share of 40.0%, followed by yeast cells with 30.0% and yeast minerals with 20.0%.

- Angel Yeast Co., Ltd., Lesaffre Group, Koninklijke DSM NV, AB Mauri, and Lallemand Inc. are some of the major companies in the yeast ingredients market.

- North America is the largest region in terms of revenue, while the Asia Pacific is the fastest-growing region in the market.

- The increasing demand for bakery and beverage products, the growing popularity of functional foods and dietary supplements, and rising disposable incomes in developing countries are driving the growth of the yeast ingredients market.

- Availability of substitutes and stringent government regulations are some of the restraints in the market.

- Development of new and innovative yeast ingredients, expansion into new markets, and the growing demand for personalized nutrition present opportunities for the yeast ingredients market.

Market Dynamics (DRO)


1. Increasing demand for bakery and beverage products: The growing consumer preference for bakery and beverage products, such as bread, cakes, beer, and wine, is driving the demand for yeast ingredients. Yeast is an essential ingredient in the production of these products, as it is responsible for the fermentation process, which helps in achieving the desired taste, texture, and aroma.

2. Growing popularity of functional foods and dietary supplements: There is a rising awareness among consumers regarding the importance of consuming functional foods and dietary supplements for maintaining good health. Yeast ingredients, with their high nutritional value and functional properties, are being increasingly used in the production of such products. These ingredients offer various health benefits, such as improving digestion, enhancing immunity, and promoting overall well-being, thereby driving their demand.

3. Rising disposable incomes in developing countries: The increasing disposable incomes of consumers in developing countries are leading to changes in their dietary preferences. There is a growing demand for premium and healthier food products, including bakery items, beverages, and dietary supplements. This shift in consumer behavior is fueling the demand for yeast ingredients, as they are perceived as natural, safe, and nutritious.


1. Availability of substitutes: While yeast ingredients offer unique properties and benefits, there are alternative ingredients available in the market that can serve similar functions. For example, chemical additives and artificial flavors can be used as substitutes for yeast extracts. This availability of substitutes poses a restraint to the growth of yeast ingredient market, as consumers may choose alternatives based on factors such as price, taste, or health concerns.

2. Stringent government regulations: The production and use of yeast ingredients are subject to regulatory requirements imposed by government agencies. These regulations ensure the safety and quality of food ingredients. Compliance with these regulations can sometimes be challenging for companies operating in the yeast ingredient market. Stringent regulations may increase the cost of production and restrict the entry of new players, thus acting as a restraint to market growth.


1. Development of new and innovative yeast ingredients: There is a growing opportunity for research and development in the field of yeast ingredients. Companies can invest in developing new and innovative yeast extracts, yeast cells, and yeast minerals with enhanced nutritional profiles, functional properties, and sensory characteristics. These advancements can lead to the introduction of novel yeast ingredient products that cater to evolving consumer demands.

2. Expansion into new markets: The yeast ingredient market has significant untapped potential in various regions and countries. Companies can explore opportunities to expand their presence in emerging markets, especially in regions like Asia Pacific, where there is a high demand for bakery and beverage products. By entering new markets and establishing strong distribution networks, companies can capitalize on the growing demand for yeast ingredients and strengthen their market position.

3. Growing demand for personalized nutrition: With the increasing focus on personalized nutrition and wellness, there is a growing demand for customized food and beverage products. Yeast ingredients can play a vital role in meeting this demand by offering tailored nutritional solutions. Companies can capitalize on this opportunity by developing yeast ingredient products that cater to specific dietary needs, lifestyles, and health concerns, thereby addressing the growing demand for personalized nutrition.

Yeast Ingredients Market Segment Insights

1. Yeast Extracts:

- Yeast Extracts hold a significant share of 40% in the yeast ingredients market.

- Subsegments within this category include Autolysates and Hydrolysates.

- Autolysates are produced by enzymatic digestion of yeast cells, resulting in the release of flavor and aroma compounds.

- Hydrolysates are obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of yeast protein, leading to the production of peptides and amino acids.

- Yeast extracts find wide applications in various food products such as soups, seasonings, snacks, and sauces due to their flavor enhancing properties.

2. Yeast Cells:

- Yeast Cells account for a share of 30% in the yeast ingredients market.

- This segment includes the use of whole yeast cells in the production of various food and beverage products.

- Yeast cells provide a natural source of essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

- They are commonly used in baking, brewing, and fermentation processes due to their ability to produce carbon dioxide and alcohol.

3. Yeast Minerals:

- Yeast Minerals hold a share of 20% in the yeast ingredients market.

- This segment involves the extraction and utilization of mineral-rich yeast.

- Yeast minerals are a natural source of essential minerals such as iron, zinc, selenium, and chromium.

- They are used in the production of dietary supplements and functional foods, catering to the growing demand for health and wellness products.

4. Others:

- The remaining 10% share in the yeast ingredients market is attributed to other segments.

- These segments encompass various forms of yeast ingredients that do not fall into the aforementioned categories.

- Examples of these include yeast-based flavors, yeast-based pigments, and yeast-based enzymes.

- These ingredients find applications in a range of products, from processed meats to pharmaceuticals.

Overall, the yeast ingredients market is diverse, with different segments catering to various industries and consumer demands.

Regional Insights

The yeast ingredients market is dominated by the North America region, which holds the largest market share. This can be attributed to the increasing demand for bakery and beverage products in the region. North America has a well-established food and beverage industry, which is driving the growth of the yeast ingredients market.

On the other hand, the Asia-Pacific region is the fastest-growing market for yeast ingredients. This can be attributed to the growing popularity of functional foods and dietary supplements in the region. Additionally, the rising disposable incomes in developing countries in Asia-Pacific are also contributing to the increased demand for yeast ingredients.

Overall, both North America and Asia-Pacific present significant opportunities for companies operating in the yeast ingredients market. There is a growing demand for personalized nutrition, which opens up new avenues for innovation and product development. Expanding into new markets within these regions can also help companies capture a larger market share and drive further growth.

However, it is important to note that the yeast ingredients market also faces certain restraints. Availability of substitutes and stringent government regulations can pose challenges for companies in this market. It is crucial for companies to navigate these challenges effectively to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the growing demand for yeast ingredients.

Key Market Trends

In recent years, the market for yeast ingredients has experienced several notable trends:

1. Growing demand for natural and clean label products: There has been an increasing preference among consumers for natural and clean label ingredients in their food and beverages. This has led to a rise in the demand for yeast extracts, which are considered natural ingredients and have various functionalities such as flavor enhancement and improving texture.

2. Expansion of application scope: Yeast ingredients are now being used in a wide range of applications beyond the traditional bakery and beverage products. They are being incorporated in savory snacks, meat products, and functional foods. The versatility of yeast ingredients has opened up new opportunities for manufacturers to explore innovative applications.

3. Increasing focus on personalized nutrition: With the growing awareness of the importance of personalized nutrition, there is a rising demand for tailor-made food and beverages that cater to individual health needs. Yeast ingredients, such as autolysates and hydrolysates, are known for their nutritional benefits and can be customized to meet specific dietary requirements.

4. Technological advancements in yeast extraction methods: Continuous advancements in extraction techniques have resulted in improved quality and functionality of yeast ingredients. Manufacturers are adopting advanced processes to maximize the extraction of bioactive compounds from yeast cells, enhancing their nutritive value.

5. Rising investments in research and development: As the demand for yeast ingredients continues to rise, companies are investing in research and development activities to develop new and innovative yeast-based products. This includes exploring novel strains of yeast, improving extraction methods, and enhancing the functionality of yeast ingredients.

Overall, the market for yeast ingredients is experiencing steady growth due to the increasing demand for natural and functional ingredients in food and beverages. With expanding application scope and ongoing advancements in technology, the industry is likely to witness further development and innovation in the coming years.

Key Companies Insight

The market for yeast ingredients is highly competitive, with several key players dominating the industry.

Some of the major companies operating in this market include:

1. Angel Yeast Co., Ltd.: Angel Yeast is a leading yeast ingredient manufacturer, specializing in yeast extracts, yeast cells, and yeast minerals. The company has a strong presence in both domestic and international markets.

2. Lesaffre Group: Lesaffre is a global leader in yeast and fermentation products. The company offers a wide range of yeast ingredients, including yeast extracts and autolysates. Lesaffre has a strong focus on research and innovation.

3. Koninklijke DSM NV: DSM is a multinational company that produces a wide range of ingredients for various industries, including food and beverages. DSM offers yeast ingredients such as autolysates and hydrolysates.

4. AB Mauri: AB Mauri is a global supplier of yeast and bakery ingredients. The company offers a range of yeast products, including yeast extracts and autolysates. AB Mauri has a strong presence in the bakery industry.

5. Lallemand Inc.: Lallemand is a global supplier of yeast and bacterial products. The company offers yeast ingredients for various applications, including bakery, beverages, and dietary supplements. Lallemand is known for its focus on quality and innovation.

North America is the largest market for yeast ingredients, driven by the increasing demand for bakery and beverage products in the region. However, the fastest-growing region for yeast ingredients is Asia Pacific, primarily due to the rising disposable incomes in developing countries and the growing popularity of functional foods and dietary supplements.

Some of the key drivers for the yeast ingredients market include the increasing demand for bakery and beverage products, growing popularity of functional foods and dietary supplements, and rising disposable incomes in developing countries. However, there are also some restraints, such as the availability of substitutes and stringent government regulations.

Opportunities in the yeast ingredients market include the development of new and innovative yeast ingredients, expansion into new markets, and the growing demand for personalized nutrition. Overall, the yeast ingredients market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.47% from 2022 to 2030, with a projected revenue of USD 4.51 billion by 2030.

Recent Developments

The yeast ingredients market has witnessed significant developments in recent years. One of the key market developments is the increasing demand for bakery and beverage products. Yeast ingredients are widely used in the bakery industry for fermentation and dough development, resulting in improved taste and texture of baked goods. Additionally, yeast extracts are used in the production of various beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits, enhancing their flavor and aroma. The growing consumer preference for baked goods and beverages has resulted in a higher demand for yeast ingredients in these sectors.

Another market development is the growing popularity of functional foods and dietary supplements. Yeast ingredients have various health benefits and are rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. They are used in the production of functional foods and dietary supplements to enhance nutritional value and provide additional health benefits. With the increasing awareness and preference for healthier food options, the demand for yeast ingredients in functional foods and dietary supplements has been on the rise.

Furthermore, the rising disposable incomes in developing countries have contributed to the market growth of yeast ingredients. As people have more purchasing power, the demand for high-quality food products, including bakery and beverage items, has increased. This has led to a higher demand for yeast ingredients in these regions.

On the flip side, the availability of substitutes is one of the key restraints in the yeast ingredients market. There are alternative ingredients available in the market that can provide similar functionalities as yeast ingredients. These substitutes may be preferred by some manufacturers due to factors such as cost-effectiveness or regulatory requirements.

Additionally, stringent government regulations regarding the use of yeast ingredients in food and beverages can pose challenges to the market growth. Regulations related to food safety, labeling, and product claims need to be complied with, which can create barriers for manufacturers.

In terms of opportunities, there is immense scope for the development of new and innovative yeast ingredients. Research and development efforts can lead to the discovery of novel yeast strains or extraction methods, resulting in the production of unique and value-added yeast ingredients.

There is also an opportunity for companies to expand into new markets. The growing awareness about the health benefits of yeast ingredients in regions like Asia Pacific presents a potential market for yeast ingredient manufacturers to tap into.

Furthermore, the increasing demand for personalized nutrition provides a promising opportunity for yeast ingredient manufacturers. Customized nutrition plans and products are gaining popularity, and yeast ingredients can be tailored to meet specific nutritional requirements.

In conclusion, the yeast ingredients market has witnessed significant market developments driven by factors such as the increasing demand for bakery and beverage products, growing popularity of functional foods and dietary supplements, and rising disposable incomes in developing countries. However, the market faces challenges due to the availability of substitutes and stringent government regulations. Nonetheless, there are opportunities for the development of new and innovative yeast ingredients, expansion into new markets, and catering to the demand for personalized nutrition.

Report Coverage

Companies Covered
  • Angel Yeast Co.
  • Ltd. Lesaffre Group Koninklijke DSM NV AB Mauri Lallemand Inc.

Above list is not exhaustive, you can add required companies.
Segments Covered
  • Yeast Extracts
    • Autolysates
    • Hydrolysates
  • Yeast Cells
  • Yeast Minerals

Segment can be customized. You can ask for customization.
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Yeast Ingredients Report FAQ

The Yeast Ingredients market is expected to be worth USD XX billion in 2022, rising at a CAGR of XX percent to USD XX billion by 2030.
Globally established firms such as dominate the Yeast Ingredients market. To gain traction in this increasing Yeast Ingredients industry, these organisations focus on producing new goods, implementing expansion plans, and engaging in collaboration...
Yeast Ingredients Market production remained significantly disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The global production of Yeast Ingredients pre-COVID was expected to grow from XX million units in 2020 to XX million units by 2025, with the major markets in the applicat...
When the lockdown Yeast Ingredients market is released, the market will make up for the losses it has sustained by 2024.
During the projection period, the worldwide Yeast Ingredients market is expected to see a significant growth in demand for residential applications.
The global Yeast Ingredients market is divided into three categories: type, application, and region.

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